Aims & Objectives
As the only institution in Garia and in the surrounding neighbourhood for the advancement of higher education, the College aims to fulfill the objectives illustrated below:
- To run, maintain, manage and carry on the above Biochemic Medical Society for the benefit of the rural people.
- To establish and maintain general hospital, Mother & Child medical centre for the benefit of public.
- To arrange for treatment for the rural people on various diseases by the qualified and experienced Doctors, Nurses etc.
- To establish and maintain Research Centre on Medical Science to improve the Medical treatment.
- To arrange and organize clinical laboratory, modern diagnosis, orphan healthcare unit, Health Development Unit etc. for the purpose of education and treatment of the people.
- To arrange for training on Nursing, Family Planning, Alternative Medical treatment, etc. among the interested persons.
- To open indoor and outdoor medical treatment centre specially for the rural people and to arrange for free food, medicines, etc. to the poor people.
- To organize an Ambulance for rendering services to the patients.
- To arrange and organize Optic Camp, Dental Camp, Ligation Camp etc. from time to time in the interest of public services.
- To arrange and organize lectures, debates, discussions or seminars on medical science for the diffusion of knowledge.
- To open various medical courses for the purpose of education to the students
- To open and maintain Hostel. for the benefit of people.
- affiliate itself with such other recognized institute, bodies, societies whose objects are fully or in part similar.
- To accept any gift, grant, donation, subscriptions or fee towards the raising any fund for the purpose of the society.
- To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objects.
The incomes and properties of the society whatsoever derived or obtained shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the society and no portion thereof shall be paid to or divided amongst any of its members by way of profits.